Generator How Does It Work?

Generators are devices that produce electrical energy. Self-contained houses, agricultural areas, workplaces, construction sites and many other areas to meet the needs of electrical energy are used. Generators produce mechanical energy as a result of fuel combustion as a source of power. This mechanical energy is then converted into electrical energy, the effect of the magnetic field in a generator.

The Basic Components Of The Generator

The basic parts of a generator are:

1. Engine is the power source of the motor generator. As a result of fuel combustion produces mechanical energy.
2. The magnetic field generator and the magnetic field is composed of the electrical energy is used to produce magnetic poles.
3. Stator the stator is where the magnetic field remains constant. Stator the stator rotating magnetic field around the coil creates an electrical current.
4. The rotor is the rotating part of the rotor magnetic field. The rotor magnetic field between the magnetic poles by rotating allows the formation of electric currents.
5. AVR (automatic voltage regulator) keeps the voltage produced by the generator and AVR control at a constant level.

Generator How It Works? Generators, as a result of the combustion of the fuel used as a source of power to produce mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy, the effect of the magnetic field. Operation of the generator occurs in the following steps:

1. Burn fuel the engine burns fuel and produces mechanical energy of the generator.
2. The creation of magnetic field, magnetic field, magnetic poles are formed. The rotating magnetic field the rotor magnetic field creates an electrical current in the stator coil.
3. Electrical energy electric current of the coils of the stator of the generator is converted into electrical energy that can be used in the output.
4. Control the AVR and the AVR keeps voltage produced by the generator at a constant level control.

Generator Selection

When choosing a generator, the generator of the purpose and the amount of energy you need when choosing the amount of energy you need and it is important that you choose a generator that is appropriate for your intended use. Therefore, some factors to consider in the selection of the generator include:

1. Power capacity power capacity of the generator, is determined by the amount of energy you need. Well, the capacity of your generator, electricity should not be under.
2. Fuel type Generators, according to different fuel types can work. Gasoline, diesel and propane fuel, such as are available in different types. You choose the type of fuel the generator according to your specifications may vary.
3. Portability the portability of the generator, is determined by your intended use. For home use, small, lightweight generators are the preferred business areas and agricultural areas for larger and heavier generators may be preferred.
4. Auto-start System, auto-start system automatically allows you to run your generator. This feature does not require to continuously check your generator and provides the electric energy for emergency situations.
5. Noise Generators may produce noise when running. You are going to use the noise level of the generators is determined according to the characteristics of the area.

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Advantages Of The Generators

Generators, electrical energy brings many advantages in addition to meeting your needs. These are:

1. Independence Generators during power outages provides your independence. By using your generator can provide electricity in case of a power outage.
2. Portability generators, portable due to their nature they can be used in different areas. Business, agriculture and generators can be used in many other areas.
3. Economic Generators, is an economical solution in the long run. You can reduce the money you spend using your generator in case of power outages.
4. Eco-friendly Generators, thanks to new technologies, are becoming more environmentally friendly. Generators for low-emission, environmentally friendly solution.

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